Singapore Institute of Technology

AI as Co-bots: Human-AI Complementary Roles in Formative and Summative Assessments

conference contribution
posted on 2023-11-24, 08:47 authored by R RosmawatiR Rosmawati, Boon Yong Kwok, Li Siong Lim, Karin AvnitKarin Avnit


The use of AI technology in education is gaining much traction and momentum following the advent of generative AI technology such as ChatGPT in late 2022. From the initial skepticism (Susnjak, 2022), and in some contexts a full ban of its use (Yang, 2023), to more open discussion these days on integrating the technology into teaching and learning (Farrokhnia et al., 2023), AI technology has since seen more adoption in the education enterprise (e.g., Skavronskaya et al., 2023; Sabir Chaudhry et al., 2023).

In this presentation, we showcase our work-in-progress use of AI technology in formative and summative assessment. The first part of our showcase is our use of AI-automated feedback in a formative manner as part of an integrated approach to feedback provision through a triage of AI, peer, and teacher feedback approach. We argue that such an integrated approach enhances students’ learning experience as students receive immediate and timely feedback (through AI), collaborative feedback (through peers), and insightful feedback (from teachers). The second part of our showcase is our use of AI marking and feedback in summative assessment. We compare the performance of AI tools with human assessors in terms of accuracy and/or evaluative comments. We also argue that a human-AI complementary role helps to reduce teachers’ workload in providing feedback and in marking so that teachers can re-direct their limited time and resources to activities that help students deep-learn. In concluding the presentation, we discuss some of the ethical considerations of the use of such technology.




Journal/Conference/Book title

ERAS International Conference and WERA Focal Meeting 2023

Publication date
