Singapore Institute of Technology

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An Interactive Web App Playbook With an AI Assistant for Improving Organizational Communication

conference contribution
posted on 2024-10-04, 21:20 authored by Wen Yang Tan, Nicholas Heng Loong WongNicholas Heng Loong Wong

In today’s fast-paced organizational environments, the need for engaging and effective knowledge transfer tools is paramount. Traditional static playbooks often fail to engage, and hence, support knowledge retention by their users in organiza?tions. This paper presents a realization of an interactive web app playbook, meant to mitigate these challenges and provide a dynamic and user-friendly platform that fosters high engagement, simplification of complex methodologies, and improved transfer of knowledge. The intuitive interface is complemented by an AI-based chatbot assistant to provide contextually relevant and personalized responses to user queries. Our study has found that the interactive playbook considerably improves user engagement, comprehension, and knowledge retention.


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IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2024

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