The hybrid FETD-FDTD method in Rylander, T. and Bondenson, A. (2002) retains the efficiency of FDTD method in modeling simple geometries while using unstructured FETD method in Lee, J.-F., et al (1997), and Sun, D.-K., et al (2003) to eliminate stair-casing errors in modeling complex geometries. In this paper, we present the development of hybrid FETD-FDTD method and its application in antenna modeling. The requirement on mesh generation and a simple strategy that we use are briefly discussed. Modeling of antenna feed structure which excite transverse electromagnetic(TEM) mode and extraction of input reflection coefficient is presented. Finally, application of the method in the modeling of typical antenna structures is presented.
Journal/Conference/Book title
2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 09-15 June 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA.