Singapore Institute of Technology

Cyber Range Revolution: Transforming the Future of Cybersecurity Training

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-07-03, 00:45 authored by Terence Charles Ong, Benjamin Premkumar AnnamalaiBenjamin Premkumar Annamalai, Huaqun GuoHuaqun Guo

To provide a Cyber Range with automated provisioning and configuration capabilities, our work eliminates the need for manual work when providing a simulated platform for cybersecurity education, practice, and cyber warfare training securely and legally. This paper presents our detailed work which include using VMware vSphere, Terraform and Ansible to automate and build the Cyber Range infrastructure in a versatile and flexible way with minimum manual work.


Journal/Conference/Book title

The 17th IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (IEEE SOLI 2023)

Publication date



  • Post-print

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Corresponding author

Huaqun Guo,