Singapore Institute of Technology

Energy Extraction of Wave Energy Converter Array Using Anti-Node of Moonpool Resonance

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conference contribution
posted on 2023-11-16, 09:43 authored by Zhi Yung TayZhi Yung Tay, Ling Wan

The energy extraction from an array of point absorber wave energy converters (WEC) could be enhanced by deploying the WEC array in confined spaces such as the moonpool. Such a moonpool could be constructed from existing infrastructures such as breakwaters, coastal protection structures or floating platforms. As waves hit on the moonpool of different diameters, the fluid resonance of various frequencies is excited. The energy extraction could be further optimized by placing the multiple WECs at the anti-node of the sloshing modes inside the moonpool. The anti-node could be determined analytically whereas the performance of the WEC array could be computed numerically using the potential theory. A moonpool with an opening is further considered which allows the power enhancement of WECs due to the wave reflection from the wall of the moonpool. This paper shall compare the effectiveness of the sloshing mode on wave energy extraction. The suitable location in the moonpool for the deployment of multiple WECs when the array is deployed in a location of multiple sea states is also investigated. A large array of WECs is then considered in multiple moonpools located in a floating breakwater where the performance of the WECs and the effectiveness of the floating breakwater in attenuating the wave forces are studied.


Journal/Conference/Book title

ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 11–16 2023, Melbourne, Australia.

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  • Post-print

Rights statement

Tay, ZY, & Wan, L. "Energy Extraction of Wave Energy Converter Array Using Anti-Node of Moonpool Resonance." Proceedings of the ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 8: Ocean Renewable Energy. Melbourne, Australia. June 11–16, 2023. V008T09A066. ASME.

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