Singapore Institute of Technology

Enhancing the Teaching of Data Structures and Algorithms using AI Chatbots

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conference contribution
posted on 2025-01-21, 05:58 authored by Malcolm Yoke Hean LowMalcolm Yoke Hean Low, Chien Ching LeeChien Ching Lee, Keok Kee LeeKeok Kee Lee, Kuet Leong Lam

This paper explores the potential of AI chatbots in enhancing the teaching of data structures and algorithms (DSA) in computer science education. We present our experience using AI chatbots to create multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and investigate students’ feedback in using AI chatbots in their team project assignment. Our findings suggest that while AI chatbots can provide valuable assistance in DSA learning, certain limitations exist. The results of evaluating the AI chatbots on a prompt to generate an MCQ question on the recursive Fibonacci algorithm show that the chatbots did not always provide the correct answers. For the team project assignment, students found AI chatbots to be useful in their learning experience, with high ratings for the accuracy, completeness, clarity, and relevance of the chatbot responses. The students’ feedback also suggests that the chatbots provided a fun and engaging learning experience and that they would like to see more interactive and immersive learning experiences in the future. These results suggest that AI chatbots have great potential to enhance the teaching of DSA by offering personalized and accessible support to students. With ongoing development and refinement, AI chatbots can become invaluable tools for computer science educators and learners alike.


Journal/Conference/Book title

2024 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE)

Publication date



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