- Scoring festination and gait freezing in people with Parkinson's: The freezing of gait severity tool-revised.
- A pilot randomized controlled trial examining the benefits of an adjuvant psycho-behavioural intervention in comparison to a health education program, on psychological well-being and freezing-of-gait in patients with Parkinson's disease.
- Measurement Properties of Assessments of Freezing of Gait Severity in People With Parkinson Disease: A COSMIN Review.
- Within-Assessment Variability of the GAITRite System in People With Stroke.
- Automated analysis of gait and modified timed up and go using the Microsoft Kinect in people with Parkinson's disease: associations with physical outcome measures.
- A systematic review of the diagnostic utility of simple tests of change after trial removal of cerebrospinal fluid in adults with normal pressure hydrocephalus.
- Developing the Freezing of Gait Severity Tool: A Delphi consensus study to determine the content of a clinician-rated assessment for freezing of gait severity
- A pilot randomized controlled trial examining the benefits of an adjuvant psycho-behavioural intervention in comparison to a health education program, on psychological well-being and freezing-of-gait in patients with Parkinson's disease
- Reliability and variability of physiotherapists scoring freezing of gait through video analysis
- Validity and reliability of a new clinician-rated tool for freezing of gait severity