- Improving GANs for Speech Enhancement
- An End-to-End Multi-Standard OFDM Transceiver Architecture Using FPGA Partial Reconfiguration
- Spectrally efficient emission mask shaping for OFDM cognitive radios
- Effective Exploitation of Posterior Information for Attention-Based Speech Recognition
- Continuous robust sound event classification using time-frequency features and deep learning
- In-Ear Electrode EEG for Practical SSVEP BCI
- A new variance-based approach for discriminative feature extraction in machine hearing classification using spectrogram features
- Speech reconstruction using a deep partially supervised neural network.
- A New Time–Frequency Attention Tensor Network for Language Identification
- Source-Aware Context Network for Single-Channel Multi-Speaker Speech Separation
- Fisher vector based CNN architecture for image classification
- LID-Senones and Their Statistics for Language Identification
- Listening and Grouping: An Online Autoregressive Approach for Monaural Speech Separation
- Towards More Accurate Automatic Sleep Staging via Deep Transfer Learning
- End-to-end DNN-CNN classification for language identification
- Bag-of-features models based on C-DNN network for acoustic scene classification
- Beyond equal-length snippets: How long is sufficient to recognize an audio scene?
- Spatio-temporal attention pooling for audio scene classification
- What makes audio event detection harder than classification?
- Enabling Early Audio Event Detection with Neural Networks
- Deep neural network for robust speech recognition with auxiliary features from laser-Doppler vibrometer sensor
- GFM-VOC: A real-time voice quality modification system
- An attention pooling based representation learning method for speech emotion recognition
- Acoustic modeling with densely connected residual network for multichannel speech recognition
- Unifying Isolated and Overlapping Audio Event Detection with Multi-label Multi-task Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
- A new time-frequency attention mechanism for TDNN and CNN-LSTM-TDNN, with application to language identification
- A Region Based Attention Method for Weakly Supervised Sound Event Detection and Classification
- An improved deep embedding learning method for short duration speaker verification
- A training-based speech regeneration approach with cascading mapping models
- An effective deep embedding learning architecture for speaker verification
- Improving aggregation and loss function for better embedding learning in end-to-end speaker verification system
- A robust framework for acoustic scene classification
- Formant smoothing for quality improvement of post-laryngectomised speech reconstruction
- A Spectral Glottal Flow Model for Source-filter Separation of Speech
- A Conditional Generative Model for Speech Enhancement
- Improved Conditional Generative Adversarial Net Classification for Spoken Language Recognition
- On the mental fatigue analysis of SSVEP entrainment
- Early detection of continuous and partial audio events using CNN
- Glottal Flow Synthesis for Whisper-to-Speech Conversion
- End-to-End Language Identification Using High-Order Utterance Representation with Bilinear Pooling
- Improvements on Deep Bottleneck Network based I-Vector Representation for Spoken Language Identification
- LID-senone Extraction via Deep Neural Networks for End-to-End Language Identification
- Image classification with CNN-based Fisher vector coding
- Robust Sound Event Detection in Continuous Audio Environments
- Time–Frequency Feature Fusion for Noise Robust Audio Event Classification
- Robust acoustic scene classification using a multi-spectrogram encoder-decoder framework
- Variance Normalised Features for Language and Dialect Discrimination
- Incandescent Bulb and LED Brake Lights: Novel Analysis of Reaction Times
- CNN-MoE Based Framework for Classification of Respiratory Anomalies and Lung Disease Detection
- Multi-Granularity Sequence Alignment Mapping for Encoder-Decoder Based End-to-End ASR
- The Use of Low-Frequency Ultrasound for Voice Activity Detection
- Mouth State Detection From Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Reflection
- Super-audible Voice Activity Detection
- Cross-layer TCP/IP Segmentation, Re-routing and Adaptive Modulation Techniques to Exploit Instantaneous BER Variations on Parallel Subchannels
- Reconstruction of pitch for whisper-to-speech conversion of Chinese
- Local Coding based Matching Kernel Method for Image Classification
- Deep Bottleneck Features for Spoken Language Identification
- Tone confusion in spoken and whispered Mandarin Chinese
- Task-aware Deep Bottleneck Features for Spoken Language Identification
- Shaping Spectral Leakage for IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Communications
- A new mechanical index for gauging the human bio-effects of low frequency ultrasound
- A Unified Framework for GPS Code and Carrier-Phase Multipath Mitigation Using Support Vector Regression
- Speech Playback Geometry for Smart Homes
- Whisper-to-speech conversion using restricted Boltzmann machine arrays
- Square-Rich Fixed Point Polynomial Evaluation on FPGAs
- Robust and Efficient OFDM Synchronisation for FPGA-Based Radios
- Super-Audible Voice Activity Detection
- Local coding based matching kernel method for image classification.
- Deep bottleneck features for spoken language identification.
- Mouth State Detection From Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Reflection
- Classifying watermelon ripeness by analysing acoustic signals using mobile devices
- Low frequency ultrasonic voice activity detection using convolutional neural networks
- Deep bottleneck network based i-vector representation for language identification
- The use of low-frequency ultrasound for voice activity detection
- Task-aware deep bottleneck features for spoken language identification
- Phonated speech reconstruction using twin mapping models
- Robust sound event recognition using convolutional neural networks
- Whisper-to-speech conversion using restricted Boltzmann machine arrays
- Reconstruction of phonated speech from whispers using formant-derived plausible pitch modulation
- Improved i-Vector Representation for Speaker Diarization
- Learning compact structural representations for audio events using regressor banks
- Efficient integer frequency offset estimation architecture for enhanced OFDM synchronization
- Compact convolutional neural network transfer learning for small-scale image classification
- Performance evaluation of deep bottleneck features for spoken language identification
- A spectral based visual matching method for image classification
- Comparative whisper vowel space for Singapore English and British English accents
- Robust sound event classification using deep neural networks
- Cross-layer TCP/IP segmentation, re-routing and adaptive modulation techniques to exploit instantaneous BER variations on parallel subchannels
- Efficient Large Integer Squarers on FPGA
- Reconstruction of pitch for whisper-to-speech conversion of Chinese
- Shaping Spectral Leakage for IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Communications
- Multi-task deep neural network acoustic models with model adaptation using discriminative speaker identity for whisper recognition
- Efficient multi-standard cognitive radios on FPGAs
- Tone confusion in spoken and whispered Mandarin Chinese
- Speech and Audio Processing
- Deep Bottleneck Feature for Image Classification
- Improved language identification using deep bottleneck network
- Square-rich fixed point polynomial evaluation on FPGAs
- Robust and Efficient OFDM Synchronization for FPGA-Based Radios
- Speech playback geometry for smart homes
- Human Mouth State Detection Using Low Frequency Ultrasound
- Computer Architecture: an embedded approach
- MetroBuzz: Interactive 3D visualization of spatiotemporal data
- Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation and Transmit Antenna Selection with Channel Prediction Errors and Feedback Delay
- Bio-effects and safety of low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasonic exposure
- Campus Mobility for the Future: The Electric Bicycle
- Channel prediction in non-regenerative multi-antenna relay selection systems
- Multi-touch Wall Displays for Informational and Interactive Collaborative Space
- Mobile Communications Using Source-Selected Multi-Antenna AF Relays Over Dual-Hop Nakagami-m Channels
- Method and apparatus for determining mouth state using low frequency ultrasonics
- Message from WEISS-12 Workshop Chairs
- Cross-layer MIMO-Links Exploiting Packet Re-routing Mechanisms and Adaptive Modulation in Diverse Channel Condition
- TCP-based Multi Parallel Links Exploiting Packet Re-routing Mechanisms in Diverse Channel Condition
- Fourier transform-based scalable image quality measure
- Classifying watermelon ripeness by analysing acoustic signals using mobile devices
- Reconstruction of continuous voiced speech from whispers
- Efficient Squarer Design for FPGA Implementation
- A Comprehensive Vowel Space for Whispered Speech
- Exemplar Based Language Recognition Method For Short-Duration Speech Segments
- Measuring resonances of the vocal tract using frequency sweeps at the lips
- GPS multipath mitigation: a nonlinear regression approach
- Packet Switching, AM Adjustment and Retry Mechanisms for Cross-Layer MIMO Link Design
- A new mechanical index for gauging the human bioeffects of low frequency ultrasound.
- Human mouth state detection using low frequency ultrasound
- Modelling WSNS using OMNeT++
- From whispers to normal speech: Offering natural voice to laryngectomees
- Cross-layer MIMO-link exploiting packet re-routing mechanisms and adaptive modulation in diverse channel condition
- TCP-based multi parallel links exploiting packet re-routing mechanisms in diverse channel condition
- Reconstruction of continuous voiced speech from whispers
- Multi-touch wall displays for informational and interactive collaborative space
- Multi-touch wall displays for informational and interactive collaborative space
- Performance analysis of adaptive modulation and transmit antenna selection with channel prediction errors and feedback delay
- Open-Source and Consumer Electronics—The Back Door to World Domination: Why Reinvent the Wheel (Especially When Nice People are Giving Wheels Away for Free)?
- Virtualized Development and Testing for Embedded Cluster Computing
- Bio-effects and safety of low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasonic exposure
- Message from WEISS-12 workshop chairs
- Multi-touch wall displays for informational and interactive collaborative space
- Mobile communications using source-selected multi-antenna AF relays over dual-hop nakagami- m channels
- A comprehensive vowel space for whispered speech
- Measuring resonances of the vocal tract using frequency sweeps at the lips
- MetroBuzz: Interactive 3D visualization of spatiotemporal data
- Channel prediction in non-regenerative multi-antenna relay selection systems
- Fourier transform-based scalable image quality measure
- GPS multipath mitigation: A nonlinear regression approach
- Artificial phonation for patients suffering voice box lesions
- Nonintrusive quality assessment of noise suppressed speech with Mel-filtered energies and support vector regression
- TCP/IP link layer error mitigation for MIMO wireless links
- Whisper vowel diagrams for Singapore English
- Data collection, communications and processing in the Sumatran GPS array (SuGAr)
- Low-power correlation for IEEE 802.16 OFDM synchronization on FPGA
- An embedded systems graduate education for Singapore
- Method,Apparatus and Computer Readable Medium for Fast Arithmetic in Digital Logic
- Linear predictive analysis for ultrasonic speech
- Applied Speech and Audio Processing
- Autoregressive Modelling for Linear Prediction of Ultrasonic Speech
- Data collection, communications and processing in the Sumatran GPS array (SuGAr)
- Effects of Channel Prediction for Transmit Antenna Selection With Maximal-Ratio Combining in Rayleigh Fading
- Development of Nano-satellite Space segment and Ground Station
- Method and System for Reconstructing Speech from an Input Signal Comprising Whispers
- Message from the honorary chair
- Message from the APESER 2010 Program Chairs
- Analysis-by-synthesis method for whisper-speech reconstruction
- Dynamic scaling scheme for hardware-accelerated edge detection
- Fast and accurate GCPS selection scheme for SAR image registration based on an improved Trajkovic corner detector
- Joint audio video quality evaluation for distance or online education systems
- Regeneration of Speech in Voice-Loss Patients
- Applied speech and audio processing: With matlab ® examples
- Vowel Intelligibility in Chinese
- A group ring construction of the extended binary Golay code
- Speech Recognition for Smart Homes
- Fast and accurate GCPS selection scheme for SAR image registration based on an improved Trajkovic corner detector
- Performance of Dual-Hop Multi-Antenna Systems with Fixed Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relay Selection
- SLC SAR speckle filtering using homoskedastic features in logarithmic transformed domain
- Spectral enhancement of whispered speech based on probability mass function
- Effects of channel prediction for transmit antenna selection with maximal-ratio combining in Rayleigh fading
- FMLE SAR speckle filter using the distance consistency property in homoskedasticlog-transformed domain
- Virtualized development and testing of embedded computing clusters
- A perspective on the experiential learning of computer architecture
- Autoregressive modelling for linear prediction of ultrasonic speech
- Linear predictive analysis for ultrasonic speech
- Message from the APESER 2010 program chairs
- Neural network-assisted reconstruction of full polarimetric SAR information
- Point-to-point OMNeT++ based simulation of reliable transmission using realistic segmentation and reassembly with error control
- Reconstruction of normal sounding speech for laryngectomy patients through a modified CELP codec
- Reliability through redundant parallelism for micro-satellite computing
- Voiced speech from whispers for post-laryngectomised patients
- Speech rehabilitation methods for laryngectomised patients
- Toward a comprehensive vowel space for whispered speech
- Channel prediction for mitigating feedback link issues in transmit antenna selection systems
- Non-intrusive speech quality assessment with support vector regression
- Hardware-accelerated edge detection for polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data
- Joint audio video quality evaluation for distance or online education systems
- Keypress biometrics for user validation in mobile consumer devices
- Secure embedded systems: The threat of reverse engineering
- Analysis-by-synthesis method for whisper-speech reconstruction
- Predictive receive-directed antenna selection for quasistatic Rayleigh fading channel
- An embedded systems graduate education for Singapore
- Linux as a teaching aid for embedded systems
- Tone discrimination in Mandarin Chinese
- Achieving low-cost high-reliability computation through redundant parallel processing
- FPGA implementation of space-time block coding systems
- Channel estimation complexity reduction using caching
- First beowulf cluster in space
- Centralised computation service architecture for the X-Sat micro-satellite
- Design, testing and verification of a microsatellite on-board data processing unit using commercial grade processors
- Error Detection and Correction for microsatellite software running on \ COTS\ processors
- Achieving low-cost high-reliability computation through redundant parallel processing
- Extension of proposal of standards for intelligibility tests of Chinese speech: CDRT-tone
- Fault tolerance through redundant \ COTS\ components for satellite processing applications
- A methodology for improving PESQ accuracy for Chinese speech
- Method and Apparatus for Speech Enhancement in a Speech Communication System
- Method and Apparatus for Fast Arithmetic in Digital Logic
- How to track pitch pulses in LP residual? Joint time-frequency distribution approach
- How to track pitch pulses? - Joint time-frequency distribution approach
- Adaptive bit allocation for LSP parameter quantization
- Fault-tolerant Computer for Low Earth Orbit Micro-satellites
- Embedded Linux platform for a fault tolerant space based parallel computer
- Evaluation of ITU-T G. 728 as a voice over IP codec for Chinese speech
- Fault tolerant computer for low Earth orbit micro satellites
- Low-cost space-borne processing on a reconfigurable parallel architecture
- Link layer error mitigation in rural UHF-MIMO linking systems
- Low Complexity Detection Algorithms For A MIMO-OFDM System
- Intelligibility evaluation of GSM coder for Mandarin speech using CDRT
- A scalable parallel computational core for embedded processing
- A methodology for improving \ PESQ\ accuracy for \ C\ hinese speech
- How to track pitch pulse in LP residual - Joint Time-Frequency Distribution Approach
- A modular computational engine for communications processing
- Intelligibility evaluation of GSM coder for Mandarin speech using CDRT
- Joint Time- Frequency Distribution Analysis of Pitch Pulses
- A reconfigurable platform for \ MIMO\ research - realtime implementation of a 4x4 adaptive multi-variate \ DFE\
- Improvements Relating to Radio Communication Systems
- Time reversal space time block coding with channel estimation errors
- The 2k2: A modular computational toolkit for embedded signal processing
- Fault tolerance through redundant COTS components for satellite processing applications
- Channel estimation complexity reduction using caching
- Transmit antenna selection for UHF MIMO linking
- A methodology for improving PESQ accuracy for Chinese speech
- A scalable parallel computational core for embedded processing
- Perceptual audio data concealment and watermarking scheme using direct frequency domain substitution
- Link layer error mitigation in rural UHF-MIMO linking systems
- An FPGA-based MIMO and space-time processing platform
- Performance investigation and implementation of a real-time adaptive MIMO-DFE system
- The art of public speaking for engineers
- FPGA implementation of space-time block coding systems
- Fault tolerant computer for low earth orbit micro satellites
- Low-cost space-borne processing on a reconfigurable parallel architecture
- Extension of proposal of standards for intelligibility tests of Chinese speech: CDRT-tone
- Intelligibility evaluation of GSM coder for Mandarin speech using CDRT
- How to track pitch pulses in LP residual? - Joint Time-Frequency Distribution approach
- Adaptive bit allocation for LSP parameter quantization
- Speech recognition engine adaptions for smart home dialogues
- LSP parameter interpretation for speech classification
- Method and Apparatus for Speech Enhancement in a Speech Communications System
- Adaptive bit allocation for LSP parameter quantization
- Subjective Intelligibility Testing of Chinese Speech
- Adaptive bit allocation for LSP\ parameter quantization
- DSP software development
- Mandarin speech coding using a modified RPE-LTP technique
- Line spectral pairs
- MP3 player on JUMPtec DIMM-PC/486-I
- Data concealment in audio using a nonlinear frequency distribution of PRBS coded data and frequency-domain LSB insertion.
- Hardware architecture for data concealment using sub-band coding, LSB coding and pseudo-random bit stream generators
- Hardware architecture for LSB data concealment using subband filterbank coding
- Hardware architecture for data concealment using sub-band coding, LSB coding and pseudo-random bit stream generators
- Hardware architecture for data concealment using sub-band coding, LSB coding and pseudo-random bit stream generators
- Proposal of standards for intelligibility testing of Chinese Speech
- Variable Rate Coding Techniques for Mandarin Speech over Packet Networks
- Switched-basis LSP quantization
- Mandarin speech coding using a modified RPE_LTP technique
- Novel dynamic bit allocation method for LSP quantization
- Proposal of standards for intelligibility tests of Chinese speech
- Performance comparison of ICA neural networks separating audio signals
- The implementation of a high accuracy optical measurement technique of particular interest to miniature optics
- LSP-based speech modification for intelligibility enhancement
- Hardware architecture for data concealment using sub-band coding, LSB coding and pseudo-random bit stream generators
- LSP analysis and processing for speech coders
- LSP analysis and processing for speech coders
- Data concealment in audio using a nonlinear frequency distribution of PRBS coded data and frequency-domain LSB insertion
- High accuracy displacement measurements for integrated optical components
- Analysis of adaptive modulation with antenna selection under channel prediction errors
- Predictive Transmit Antenna Selection with Maximal Ratio Combining
- Reverse engineering of embedded consumer electronic systems
- LSP-based speech modification for intelligibility enhancement
- Mandarin Speech Coding using a Modified RPE_LTP Technique
- Novel dynamic bit allocation method for LSP quantization
- Hardware architecture for data concealment using sub-band coding, LSB coding and pseudo-random bit stream generators
- The implementation of a high accuracy optical measurement technique of particular interest to miniature optics
- Modelling WSNs Using OMNeT++
- Hardware architecture for data concealment using sub-band coding, LSB coding and pseudo-random bit stream generators
- Mandarin speech coding using a modified RPE_LTP technique
- Novel dynamic bit allocation method for LSP quantization
- Data concealment in audio using a nonlinear frequency distribution of PRBS coded data and frequency-domain LSB insertion
- Proposal of standards for intelligibility tests of Chinese speech
- LSP analysis and processing for speech coders
- LSP-based speech modification for intelligibility enhancement
- Packet Switching, AM Adjustment and Retry Mechanisms for Cross-Layer MIMO Link Design
- Investigating the Cognitive Response of Brake Lights in Initiating Braking Action Using EEG
- Cross-Lingual Self-training to Learn Multilingual Representation for Low-Resource Speech Recognition
- Wearable and implantable medical devices A fantastic voyage
- Tragus based vagus nerve stimulation for stress reduction
- Extremely low footprint end-to-end ASR system for smart device
- An effective speaker recognition method based on joint identification and verification supervisions
- Non-Verbal Auditory Aspects of Human-Service Robot Interaction
- Acoustic Based Footstep Detection in Pervasive Healthcare
- On the potential of transauricular electrical stimulation to reduce visually induced motion sickness
- Automated Assessment of Glottal Dysfunction Through Unified Acoustic Voice Analysis
- Paraformer: Fast and Accurate Parallel Transformer for Non-autoregressive End-to-End Speech Recognition
- An Ensemble of Deep Learning Frameworks for Predicting Respiratory Anomalies
- Auditory evoked potential detection during pure-tone audiometry
- Multi-view audio and music classification
- On the potential of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation to reduce visually induced motion sickness
- An effective deep embedding learning method based on dense-residual networks for speaker verification
- Paraformer: Fast and Accurate Parallel Transformer for Non-autoregressive End-to-End Speech Recognition
- Inception-Based Network and Multi-Spectrogram Ensemble Applied to Predict Respiratory Anomalies and Lung Diseases
- Vibro-motor Reprocessing Therapy towards Managing Motion Sickness Reduction: Evidence from EEG
- An effective perturbation based semi-supervised learning method for sound event detection
- Motion sickness reduction through vibro-motor reprocessing therapy: A first study
- Automatic assessment of dysarthric severity level using audio-video cross-modal approach in deep learning
- Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Stress Reduction: Evidence from Alpha Prefrontal Asymmetry
- Multi-view audio and music classification
- A weight moving average based alternate decoupled learning algorithm for long-tailed language identification
- Robust Prototype Learning for Anomalous Sound Detection
- Fine-tuning Audio Spectrogram Transformer with Task-aware Adapters for Sound Event Detection
- D-MONA: A dilated mixed-order non-local attention network for speaker and language recognition
- An effective mutual mean teaching based domain adaptation method for sound event detection
- An improved mean teacher based method for large scale weakly labeled semi-supervised sound event detection
- Class-Aware Distribution Alignment based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Speaker Verification
- An Ensemble of Deep Learning Frameworks Applied For Predicting Respiratory Anomalies
- Self-attention generative adversarial network for speech enhancement
- A Light-weight Deep Learning Model for Remote Sensing Image Classification
- An Online Speaker-aware Speech Separation Approach Based on Time-domain Representation
- Extremely low footprint end-to-end ASR system for smart device
- On the Use of a Spectral Glottal Model for the Source-filter Separation of Speech
- Enabling early audio event detection with neural networks
- Semi-supervised end-to-end ASR via teacher-student learning with conditional posterior distribution
- Incandescent bulb and LED brake lights: Novel analysis of reaction times
- Task-Aware Mean Teacher Method for Large Scale Weakly Labeled Semi-Supervised Sound Event Detection
- Inception-based network and multi-spectrogram ensemble applied for predicting respiratory anomalies and lung diseases
- On multitask loss function for audio event detection and localization
- Robust Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Respiratory Anomalies and Diseases
- Improving GANs for speech enhancement
- Self-attention generative adversarial network for speech enhancement
- SAN-M: Memory Equipped Self-Attention for End-to-End Speech Recognition
- Triplet-Center Loss Based Deep Embedding Learning Method for Speaker Verification
- Robust deep learning framework for predicting respiratory anomalies and diseases
- Towards more accurate automatic sleep staging via deep transfer learning
- Unifying isolated and overlapping audio event detection with multi-label multi-task convolutional recurrent neural networks
- SAN-M: Memory equipped self-attention for end-to-end speech recognition
- Deep Feature Embedding and Hierarchical Classification for Audio Scene Classification
- Deep feature embedding and hierarchical classification for audio scene classification
- CNN-MoE based framework for classification of respiratory anomalies and lung disease detection
- A Framework for Understanding the Weaponisation of the Internet
- Proceedings of the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology
- Proceedings of the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology
- Interactive Dance with Visual Background Recomposition using BLE Beacons
- Interactive Dance with Visual Background Recomposition using BLE Beacons
- Adapting General Disentanglement-Based Speaker Anonymization for Enhanced Emotion Preservation
- Preface
- Stargan-vc Based Cross-Domain Data Augmentation for Speaker Verification
- Joint Generative-Contrastive Representation Learning for Anomalous Sound Detection
- AST-SED: An Effective Sound Event Detection Method Based on Audio Spectrogram Transformer
- Prototype based Masked Audio Model for Self-Supervised Learning of Sound Event Detection
- Adapting General Disentanglement-Based Speaker Anonymization for Enhanced Emotion Preservation
- Did You Hear That? Detecting Auditory Events with EEGNet
- An Effective Anomalous Sound Detection Method Based on Representation Learning with Simulated Anomalies
- Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Visually Induced Motion Sickness: An eLORETA Study
- Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation towards Visually Induced Motion Sickness Reduction: A Pilot Study
- MAT-SED: A Masked Audio Transformer with Masked-Reconstruction Based Pre-training for Sound Event Detection
- A Light-Weight Deep Learning Model for Remote Sensing Image Classification
- The Weaponisation of the Internet - effect models