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Development and Implementation of an Online Adaptive Gamification Platform for Learning Computational Thinking
This Innovative Practice Full Paper presents the development and implementation of an innovative online adaptive gamification platform for learning Computational Thinking (CT). CT is an essential problem-solving skill set in this modern era of digitization and technological advancements. To build students' knowledge and skills in CT while maximizing students' motivation and engagement in learning, a novel online adaptive gamified course called Computational Thinking Quest (CTQ) was introduced. The CTQ was designed and developed by a multidisciplinary team of students and faculty members. The key features of CTQ are (1) an interactive storyline with animated avatars, mini-games, and questions created using Unity three-dimensional cross-platform game engine and Blockly block-based visual programming language; (2) questions at three different levels of difficulty for effective adaptive and self-learning approach; (3) an answer and feedback to each question for increased students' confidence and enthusiasm towards learning; (4) hyperlinks to online learning resources for further reading; (5) a badge and a leaderboard to motivate active participation and encourage success; and (6) a course management system with automatic data saving capability to enable learning at own pace, anytime, anywhere. The CTQ was rolled out to some newly matriculated first-year undergraduate Engineering (ENG) and InfoComm Technology (ICT) students. A total of 54 ENG and 53 ICT students' learning performance and feedback were collated and analyzed. Statistical results from the paired Student's t-test and the Wilcoxon signed rank test consistently reveal that (1) the median of post-test marks is significantly higher than that of pre-test marks (p < 0.001); (2) the median of CT knowledge scores after taking CTQ is significantly higher than that of before CTQ (p < 0.001); and (3) the median time taken to complete the post-test is significantly lower than the pre-test (p < 0.001). Furthermore, more than 75% of ENG and ICT students, separately, stated that CTQ is an engaging or very engaging learning platform; 81% of them indicated that the educational content of CTQ is enriching or very enriching; and 83% of them commented that CTQ has motivated independent learning. The CTQ can also serve as a bridging course to narrow the heterogeneity gap among students with heterogeneous prior knowledge on computer programming languages and ease students into programming-related modules, thereby enhancing teaching and learning effectiveness.