Singapore Institute of Technology

The biomechanics of healthy older adults rising from the floor independently

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-03-31, 05:56 authored by Elissa Burton, Keith D. Hill, Paul Davey, Yoke Leng NgYoke Leng Ng, Sîan A. Williams

A third of older adults will fall each year and many will not be injured. Getting up from the floor in a timely manner is important, however it is unclear what technique older adults use to get themselves up off the ground unassisted, whether there are differences between men and women in getting up and what functional joint kinematics are used to rise from the floor. This study included a convenience sample of 20 older adults (65+ years) to answer these questions. Participants completed a series of movement tasks (i.e., rising from the floor using their own technique, a specified technique, walking 10 m and five repeated sit-to-stands), with temporospatial and joint kinematic data captured using an 18-camera 3D Vicon motion analysis system. Results found three techniques preferred by participants; the sit-up (n = 12), side-sit (n = 4) and the roll over (n = 4), with no differences found between sexes. The sit-up technique requires a higher degree of hip and knee flexion to complete compared to the side-sit and roll over. It may be beneficial for health professionals to work with older adults to identify their preferred technique for rising from the floor and encourage regular practice of this skill.


Journal/Conference/Book title

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

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  • Published