- A bee colony optimisation algorithm with a sequential-pattern-mining-based pruning strategy for the travelling salesman problem
- Hotel Revenue Management Simulation System (HRMSS)
- Job shop scheduling problem neural network solver with dispatching rules
- Hybrid modelling of crowd simulation
- Evolutionary design of agent-based simulation experiments
- Evolutionary design of experiments using the MapReduce framework
- Evolving tactical plans for strategy games using automated red teaming
- Improving ship stability in automated stowage planning for large containerships
- Stowage planning of large containership with tradeoff between crane workload balance and ship stability
- Self-adaptive mechanism for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
- Resources Optimisation in New Hospital Central Kitchen Design – A Discrete Event Simulation Approach
- HumDPM: A decision process model for modeling human-like behaviors in time-critical and uncertain situations
- Finding the shortest Hamiltonian circuit of selected places in Penang using a generic Bee Colony Optimization framework
- Automated modeling and analysis of agent-based simulations using the CASE framework
- Dynamic yard crane dispatching in container terminals with predicted vehicle arrival information
- A computational model of emotions for agent-based crowds in serious games
- Analysis of an efficient rule-based motion planning system for simulating human crowds
- Automated stowage planning for large containerships with improved safety and stability
- Crowd modeling and simulation technologies
- Two efficient constructive heuristics for scheduling trucks at crossdocking terminals
- Evolvable simulations applied to automated red teaming: A preliminary study
- Tree-structured algorithm for long weak motif discovery
- Development of a novel resource-constrained crossdocking model for the truck scheduling problem
- Improving safety and stability of large containerships in automated stowage planning
- Autonomous Bee Colony Optimization for multi-objective function
- Diversity-driven self-adaptation in evolutionary algorithms
- Bee colony optimization with local search for traveling salesman problem
- Evolving optimal and diversified military operational plans for computational red teaming
- A systematic approach for rapid 3D reconstruction from photosets
- RecMotif: A novel fast algorithm for weak motif discovery
- A generic bee colony optimization framework for combinatorial optimization problems
- Toward an evolutionary computing modeling language
- A framework of Intelligent Environment with Smart-Active Objects (IESAO) for flexible and efficient crowd simulation
- High-dimensional objective-based data farming
- An Automated Staff Roster Planning System (SRPS) for Healthcare Industry
- Research advances in Automated Red Teaming
- ListMotif: A time and memory efficient algorithm for weak motif discovery
- An efficient incremental evaluation function for optimizing truck scheduling in a resource-constrained crossdock using metaheuristics
- NFC-based Smart Notification System for Hospital Discharge Process and Bed Management
- A robust two-phase heuristic algorithm for the truck scheduling problem in a resource-constrained crossdock
- Maritime counter-piracy study using agent-based simulations
- Randomized algorithm with tabu search for multi-objective optimization of large containership stowage plans
- Studies on Pareto-based multi-objective competitive coevolutionary dynamics
- Simulation-based optimization of StarCraft tactical AI through evolutionary computation
- Initial provisioning and spare parts inventory network optimisation in a multi maintenance base environment
- Evolving agent-based simulations in the clouds
- Bee colony optimisation algorithm with big valley landscape exploitation for job shop scheduling problems
- Concept design of a system architecture for a manufacturing cyber-physical digital twin system
- Application of SIRI for Industry 4.0 Maturity Assessment and Analysis
- Concept and Implementation of a Cyber-Pbysical Digital Twin for a SMT Line
- A case study of multi-resolution modeling for crowd simulation
- Simulation-based dynamic partitioning of yard crane workload for container terminal operations
- An efficient block-based heuristic method for stowage planning of large containerships with crane split consideration
- An efficient block-based heuristic method for stowage planning of large containerships with crane split consideration
- A framework of evaluating partitioning mechanisms for agent-based simulation systems
- Vehicle dispatching with real time location information in containter terminals
- A framework of evaluating partitioning mechanisms for agent-based simulation systems
- Simulation-based dynamic partitioning of yard crane workload for container terminal operations
- 3D visualization and animation of crowd simulation using a game engine
- Visualization and simulation tool for automated stowage plan generation system
- A parallel BSP algorithm for irregular dynamic programming
- An agent-based approach for managing symbiotic simulation of semiconductor assembly and test operation
- A bee colony optimization algorithm to job shop scheduling
- Yard crane dispatching based on real time data driven Simulation for container Terminals
- A generic symbiotic simulation framework
- Application of multi-objective bee colony optimization algorithm to automated red teaming
- Research issues in symbiotic simulation
- Optimal decision-making on product allocation for crossdocking and warehousing operations
- A bee colony optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem
- Preventive what-if analysis in symbiotic simulation
- Optimal decision-making on product ranking for crossdocking/warehousing operations
- Federate migration in HLA-based simulation
- Symbiotic simulation for business process re-engineering in high-tech manufacturing and service networks
- Integrating heterogeneous distributed COTS discrete-event simulation packages: An emerging standards-based approach
- Symbiotic simulation systems: An extended definition motivated by symbiosis in biology
- Bee colony optimization algorithm with big valley landscape exploitation for job shop scheduling problems
- Shared State Synchronization for HLA-Based Distributed Simulation
- An integrated and adaptive decision-support framework for high-tech manufacturing and service networks
- Enhancing automated red teaming with evolvable simulation
- Predictive algorithms for aggregation and disaggregation in mixed mode simulation
- A tabu search for the heterogeneous DAG scheduling problem
- Toward a generic framework for modeling human behaviors in crowd simulation
- A federated agent-based crowd simulation architecture
- A rule-based motion planning for crowd simulation
- Interoperating autosched AP using the high level architecture
- The siso CSPI PDG standard for commercial off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability reference models
- Algorithms for HLA-based distributed simulation cloning
- Optimal product allocation for crossdocking and warehousing operations in FMCG supply chain
- Bee Colony Optimization with local search for Traveling Salesman Problem
- Cluster based partitioning for agent-based crowd simulations
- Agent-based human behavior modeling for crowd simulation
- A cots simulation package emulator (CSPE) for investigating cots simulation package interoperability
- A simulation based hybrid algorithm for yard crane dispatching in container terminals
- Developing interoperability standards for distributed simulaton and cots simulation packages with the CSPI PDG
- An efficient bee colony optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem using frequency-based pruning
- RFID for Crossdocking: Is it worth the investment?
- Symbiotic simulation control in semiconductor manufacturing
- Using a bee colony algorithm for neighborhood search in job shop scheduling problems
- Symbiotic simulation model validation for radiation detection applications
- A generic model for crossdock truck scheduling and truck-to-door assignment problems
- The COTS Simulation Package Interoperability Product Development Group (CSPI-PDG)
- Optimistic synchronization in HLA based distributed simulation
- Federate migration in HLA-based simulation
- Using manufacturing process flow for time synchronization in HLA-based simulation
- Incremental HLA-based distributed simulation cloning
- Synchronization and management of shared state in HLA-based distributed simulation
- Managing external workload with BSP time warp
- Consistent modeling of distributed mutual exclusion protocol using optimistic simulation
- Optimistic Synchronization in HLA-Based Distributed Simulation
- Using simulation based approach to improve on the mean cycle time performance of dispatching rules
- A framework for executing parallel simulation using RTI
- Loop parallelisation tool for message-passing systems
- Dynamic load-balancing for BSP Time Warp
- Load balancing for conservative simulation on shared memory multiprocessor systems
- Parallelism analyzer algorithm for a conservative super-step simulation protocol
- Performance prediction tools for parallel discrete-event simulation
- Implementations of dispatch rules in parallel manufacturing simulation
- Methodology for automating the parallelization of manufacturing simulations
- Survey of languages and runtime libraries for parallel discrete-event simulation
- A conservative parallel simulation algorithm for entity-oriented modeling
- Implementation lessons of performance prediction tool for parallel conservative simulation
- An empirical comparison of runtime systems for conservative parallel simulation
- Criticality of detailed modeling in semiconductor supply chain simulation
- Building a conservative parallel simulation with existing component libraries
- Parallel discrete-event simulation of a supply-chain in semiconductor industry
- Modeling Human-like Decision Making for Virtual Agents in Time-critical Situations
- An Agent-Based Generic Framework for Symbiotic Simulation Systems
- News Insider: Innovating News Understanding to Improve the Quality of Reading Experience
- A Survey of Emergent Behavior and Its Impacts in Agent-based Systems
- A Hybrid Simulation of Large Crowd Evacuation
- Cloning Agent-Based Simulation
- Consistent Modeling of Distributed Mutual Exclusion Protocol using Optimistic Simulation
- A parallelism analyzer algorithm for a conservative super-step simulation protocol
- Federate Migration in HLA-Based Simulation
- Incremental HLA-Based Distributed Simulation Cloning
- Synchronization and Management of Shared State in HLA-Based Distributed Simulation
- A methodology for automating the parallelization of manufacturing simulations
- Managing External Workload with BSP Time Warp
- A methodology for automating the parallelization of manufacturing simulations
- Optimistic Synchronization in HLA Based Distributed Simulation
- ViCollAR: A Novel System for 3D Data Visualization using Collaborative Augmented Reality
- Online Team-based Learning for Productivity Management Module
- SPAT-VR: A Holistic and Extensible Framework for VR Project Management
- Secure IoT Deployment Checklist for Building Management System
- Curriculum Design and Development for a New Digital Supply Chain Degree Programme in Singapore
- Development of a Chatbot to Train Physiotherapy Students in Clinical Questioning and Reasoning
- Integrated Cyber Physical Simulation Modelling Environment for Manufacturing 4.0
- Evolving Tactical Plans for Strategy Games using Automated Red Teaming
- 3D Visualization and Animation of Crowd Simulation Using a Game Engine
- Comparison of Diesel and Green Ship Carbon Emissions with A-Star Route Optimization
- Sensor Data Analytics for Tool Condition Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning Techniques
- Implementation of a Virtual Patient Chatbot for Physiotherapy Students Training
- Towards Accelerating Physics Informed Graph Neural Network for Fluid Simulation